
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear

Music was intended for worship! It is a gift God has given us. How many times have you been down in the dumps and turned on the radio to cheer you up? Now music is kind of like the Internet, music is a tool. We can use that tool to praise God and to encourage others! However, just like the Internet, Satan can also use music. How sad it is that what was intended for praising God is in the hands of the Enemy! Have you every really listened to the words of the songs on the radio (or your iPod)? Most songs today are filled with impure words which lead to impure thoughts! When you listen to impure music you are opening yet another door into your heart for Satan. Even when you aren't really listening to the words because you "just like the tune" you are still letting it in! Shut every door possible on Satan! Make it hard for him to get in! Put up a fight! Don't be lazy! Again bring every thought into captivity. Don't be discouraged I'm not saying never listen to music again, I'm saying we as Christians shouldn't listen to corrupt music! There are some Christian radio stations out there that encourage you and help you to focus on the right things! (K-Love and The House, are my personal favorites!) Stations like these are constantly directing our thoughts to Him! Now take challenge #2 clean off your iPod and find a Christian radio station to listen to! Just try it. I know it will be hard. It was for me, but it is so worth it!


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