
Friday, February 3, 2012

Give God Control:Dating

As you probably already know, I have decided ,through the wise guidance of my parents, NOT to "date". If you're like most people I talk to you're probably thinking, "She doesn't want to get married!" However, that's not it at all! If God wants me to get married I will. Yes, I would like to get married and have children, but I'm going to leave it up to God! If He doesn't want me to get married I won't. I DON'T have to worry about it! I know that He has a plan for my life. I have faith in Him! I want to give God control in every part of my life! I know He will do a much better job of running my life than I will. However, I am constantly catching myself trying to takeover. ( I am ironically a control freak) I start thinking, "I just want to do things my way. My way is fun and easy! God's way isn't always fun and it definitely isn't easy!" Then I hear the still small Voice of The Almighty saying, "Just trust me! I have a plan here. I am working. I know you and I want the best for you! Trust Me!" God has a plan for your life too! He wants to guide you! He wants to bless you! Just let Him in! Give Him control! He loves you more than you can imagine!

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