Here is what they have to say about their mission...
Kade, Rachel, Jasmin, Josiah ~ As young adults, we are passionate to serve Christ. We want to fight for the least of these and pour ourselves out, doing something HARD that will further God's Kingdom. We will act, NOW, to impact this world for Christ.
Why did we choose a goal of $30,000? It is large, even without our time limit, but it must match our faith in the almighty and powerful God, who loves the families of Africa far more than we can imagine. We wanted a goal that we will not attain without total reliance on Him. Because it sounds impossible to raise $30,000 by our deadline, March 1st, 2012, He must receive all the credit if we succeed. God is doing incredible things! With your help, we WILL reach our goal by 11:59 PM on March 1st. We are completely in awe of everything He has done. Also, we have never tried to raise this much money before, so we are too ignorant to know what is or isn't possible. You can click on the "Event" tab to learn more about our competition.
Dirty water robs children of their future. Four thousand children die from contaminated water every day. Easily preventable illnesses, like cholera and typhoid, ravage the lives of those chained by poverty. They suffer from diarrhea and acute stomach pains that prevent them from attending school and pursuing their dreams.
Such a tragedy is unacceptable. As Christians, we refuse to ignore their pain.
We, as young adults, are...
Motivated to take ACTION.
Obsessed with SERVING God and our thirsty world.
Dedicated to WORKING to accomplish our goal.
We are the MOD Squad, and our vision is to give clean, filtered water to hundreds of thirsty families. Compassion's Water of Life water filters transform germ-infested sewage water into safe, clean and refreshing drinking water that is 99.9% pure. Clean water will liberate children from disease, giving them the freedom to go to school, reach for their dreams and fulfill their highest potential. Best of all, each family that receives a filter will hear the Gospel!
Please help us reach our goal! You can be the one to quench their physical and spiritual thirst. Be the channel by which God answers their prayers. Every water filter supplies one million gallons of safe, clean water for only $55, which is enough to serve a family for a lifetime! Your tax-deductible gift will provide a clean water filter, support for community water sources and education for improved hygiene and sanitation to the family who receives the filter.
Donating through this website is simple, fast and completely secure. We have only ONE DAY LEFT before the deadline for our fundraiser (March 1st, 11:59 PM) so time is of the essence! Please donate now - the time is short. Every dollar helps to transform lives. Most of all, please pray for blessings and salvation for the families who receive these filters! Prayer is foundational to the transformation of these people's lives - it's the most important way you can help us.
Please help spread the word! Email our website address to anyone who might want to expand God's kingdom by providing clean water to those in poverty.
Jesus promised: “For...I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink...I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40 (NIV)
God declared: "The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the LORD will answer them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. " Isaiah 41:17 (NIV)
Thank you for quenching thirst for all eternity!
~The MOD Squad: Josiah Mcginnis, Rachel Seldenrust, Kade Thompson, and Jasmin Aprile~
What are the stories behind our involvement?
I was preparing for my eighth season of robotics competitions, but on the inside I was longing for something different – something greater. I was tired of doing the same old meaningless activities. For a while I’ve wanted a cause to fight for and pour myself into that would have eternal consequences -- something that would further the kingdom of God. I felt like I was plodding through life, riding the conveyer belt, simply doing whatever everyone around me expected me to do: educating myself, studying hard, preparing for my career, and taking time to have some fun through it all. But there was something inside that kept reminding me of why I was here in the first place and what my ultimate goal should be – to further the kingdom of God. I kept hearing people say that I had my whole life ahead of me to figure out my mission, my ministry, and my passion, but I was also reminded of what the Bible says: life is but a blink, a breath, a mist, here one moment and gone the next. I am tired of putting off what is in my power to do now. I will not wait until I have found my calling before I start making a difference in the world. Granted, I serve at church every week and at the occasional event, but that’s easy. I want to do something HARD that requires effort, time, perseverance, and sacrifice. I want to be able to look back and see that I actually did something worthwhile with my last year of high school. I don’t have a lot of money, but I CAN raise money.
-Josiah McGinnis-
I was not sure what I wanted to do this next year, but I knew that God was pushing me to do something for His kingdom. When I saw the opportunity to join the MOD Squad, I was so excited, and immediately thought of all of the wonderful possibilities to grow and serve others. This project personally kindles the administrative and business side of my personality, which I enjoy extremely. But most exhilarating is the new passion inside me for a purpose greater than myself and my family, a passion for the people of Africa in need.
-Rachel Seldenrust-
My life’s passion is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people who live in poverty in developing countries. God uses my five wonderful younger brothers and sisters to teach me how special every child is to Him. Every boy and girl is valuable to God, so I must care for them like I would my own brothers and sisters. Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27b). My self does not want to suffer from cholera or drink pond water. Therefore, I must be dedicated to supplying pure water for others, giving them the chance to drink the Living Water and liberating them from disease to fulfill their God-given potential. I will celebrate my 16th birthday on March 4th, just a few days after our deadline. To reach our goal of $30,000 would be the best gift I could receive! The very best part of this fundraiser is that God is using me to provide men, women and children with the opportunity to drink the Living water found in Christ Jesus. There is no greater privilege or joy.
-Jasmin Aprile-
I have always felt that God has wanted me to help other people, I just never knew how. When Josiah and Rachel asked me to help with this, I felt God saying, "This is the first step." So I said yes. After that it has been amazing saving lives and families. Sometimes its hard, but I keep thinking back to when Jesus said: "Love your neighbor as yourself." I would want clean water, and there have been times when I have needed someone's help to keep going. So I am trying to pass on the love that has been given to me. I plan to keep on helping others as long as I live, no matter the cost.
-Kade Thompson-
Thank you again for transforming lives with your gifts and prayers!