
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Lamb

Jesus the Son of the One True God!He was born to live a sinless life, to take on the world's sin, to die, and to suffer God's judgment!Before Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice people had to sacrifice lambs for their sin. The law said that they could only sacrifice lambs that came from Bethlehem. The lambs that were kept in the barns of Bethlehem. The lambs that were born only to die as a sacrifice. Jesus was born in a barn in Bethlehem. He was born only to die as a sacrifice.He was the first Christmas present! He is the ultimate Christmas present! He gave you the ability to talk to God whenever you want with out making sacrifices because He was the Sacrifice! He gave you eternal life! Jesus the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God, God's own Son! HE was born, HE lived, HE died,and HE still lives in Heaven waiting for you!

Merry Christmas!


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