
Saturday, August 25, 2012

The 5 O'Clock Club

The 5 O'Clock Club is group of believers from all over the US who get up at a set time each morning to have time with their Savior and Lord. The 5 O'Clock Club wants to encourage you to put God first and spend time with Him each morning before you start the day. It can be 5am, but it doesn't have to be. Just as long as you're spending time with Him each morning. Why? Because it's the quiet times when He really speaks to you. When you spend that time with the Lord first thing in the morning, He gives you the wisdom and encouragement you need for that day.
Here's just one of the wonderful testimonies-
"Well, being 15 and still in school, life can be pretty hectic for me. I want to have a quiet time every day, but sometimes I sleep in, due to staying up late the night before doing homework. The Lord convicted me that I needed to put my time with Him first. Before anything else, even making my bed. So, I'm doing the 6 o'clock club (because 5, well that's a little early. :) because I know that I need to give my first fruits to the Lord and not anything else."
Ellie Berry

Leave A Prayer Request

We believe that prayer is powerful! Please leave your prayer requests as comments on the most resent post. We will then post them to our prayer page so that other visitors can see them and pray for you or your loved ones too! Feel free to post them anonymously.