
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Book Review: Do Hard Things

"Do Hard Things", by Brett and Alex Harris, inspires and challenges teens to ,well, do hard things. That is, the things in life worth doing! They challenge teens to use their years of youth for the glory of God! What do I mean by do hard things? Well, what's hard for you? Maybe it's something as simple as controlling t.v. time, maybe it's respecting your elders, or maybe your hard thing is speaking up. Speaking up for God! "Do Hard Things" challenges teens to leave behind selfish desires, live against low expectations, and pursue God's plan for their lives! Today most people expect teens to be disrespectful, rebellious, and lazy! Leave behind the world's low expectations and live by God's expectations! "Do Hard Things" is a call to a generation rebelling against culture and living with passion for God! This book has inspiring personal testimonies, 5 steps to doing hard things, and lots of encouragement! "Do Hard Things" will leave you with a strong desire to do hard things for God!


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